OLED Model sales were higher in all regions this fiscal year compared to the same time period last fiscal year. That’s freaking amazing for a console that’s soon to enter its 8th year on the market.
82ここにいるほとんどの人がそうだと思うが、スイッチで遊びたいゲームがたくさん残っているなら、有機ELはそれだけの価値がある。それに、Switch 2が液晶画面を搭載するという噂もあるし、来年か再来年には新しいゲーム機が発売されるだろうから、将来的なことを考えれば、有機ELの方が安全な買い物になる。
The oled is so worth it if you have a chunk of games left to play on switch which most everyone here seems to. And with rumors of the Switch 2 having an LCD screen it kinda makes the oled a safer purchase from future fomo with the new console likely coming out in the next year or two.
Only 13 Million more Units until it's the best selling System of all time and I honestly think they can do it. A price cut and the usual discounts from stores when the successor is out can definitely push it over that
what i think is crazy is how the wiiu only sold 13mil consoles in its lifetime. if every wiiu owner bought a switch right now, the switch would be the bestselling console ever. it's so wierd
Bruh, we bought the switch day 1.
It's honestly crazy to consider they've managed to sell this many systems without a price cut, and the system turns 7 in less than a month. Just absolutely incredible in this day and age. Coupled with the insane software sales numbers Nintendo must be swimming in cash.
Wow! They pretty much got to their 140 million goal before the fiscal year ended. They even raised their forecast slightly.
Teeeechnically they need to hit 600k more by April but they'll make it I am more interested in what 2024s projection will be as it should tell us if the Switch 2 is this year (Assuming its not announced by the investor meeting. I personally think early March teaser (since GDC is early march and if they were showing off consoles at Gamescom, they are showing consoles at GDC) with a June blowout
Fantastic momentum- Switch in its seventh year has outsold the DS in its seventh. The only other year it managed that was its first.
How many ds systems total were sold after 7 years? I wonder
Pikmin 4 selling over a million in a Japan alone makes me know a 5 will come and it will get that special in-house treatment other franchises wish they got.
任天堂の看板タイトルの中でも、ここまで任天堂の中核開発チームが開発を率いているケースは珍しい。ピクミンシリーズは、任天堂 Ipの中でも特に「インハウス」色が強化されているのだ。> it will get that special in-house treatment other franchises wish they got. Pikmin 4 was developed by Nintendo EPD. Its as inhouse as you can get
38ピクミンはいつも任天堂の情熱的なプロジェクトだと思う。たとえ10年の間隔があいたとしても、彼らが "小さい "シリーズにこだわる傾向があるのは喜ばしいことだ...。
(スターフォックスとF-ZEROファンには申し訳ないが...)。Pikmin has always struck me a passion project for Nintendo. I'm glad they tend to stick with their 'smaller' franchises, even if it takes a decade between releases... ^(Sorry Star Fox and F-Zero fans...)
宮本さんはマリオやゼルダには同じ思い入れがないんじゃないかと思う。I think the main difference is that, argue as much as you want, Miyamoto's favorite game isn't necesssarily Mario or Zelda... its Pikmin! ​ It's basically like his grandchild... like, okay, Mario and Zelda is given to new people, but this is his passion project. ​ I dont think he has the same passion for those two titles.
After 8 years of not owning switch, i finally gave in and bought switch oled last month.
でも、20年以上ぶりに任天堂のゲーム機が販売台数首位の座を取り戻すのは、驚くべきことだと思う。Do you think the switch will sell 16m more lifetime units when they really announce their next console this year? Not that it would really matter if they outsell the PS2 & DS or not. But would be crazy to see a new console at the lead after over 20 years.
It's a distinct possibility but not certain. The 3DS certainly went on to sell a further 10 million after the release of the Switch so I'd be optimistic.
よく作られた2Dアクションゲームや、コンパクトで設計のしっかりしたリニア(ストーリー主体の)ゲーム全般の未来に期待が持てそう。I am so glad that a 2D mario (Wonder) has sold so well (11.96M units) within 6 months of launch. Makes me excited for the future of well made 2d platformers, and smaller, well designed, linear games in general.
Yea same for Mario rpg selling very well.