"日本に行くのが止められない" - Redditで語られる日本旅行中毒
もう5回も行ってるんですが、また行かずにはいられません... 国への依存ってあるんですか?
頭の中は日本一色なんです。それしか... この依存症になった人っていますか?
楽しんでいる限り、どこへ行くかは関係ないよね。I've been to the Philippines 4 times. Plan to go back many more. Doesn't matter where you fly as long as you're enjoying yourself.
What do you enjoy the most about it? Are you part Filipino?
今は夫を日本に連れて行こうと説得しようとしています(1回だけ行ったことがあります)が、彼はあまり旅行をせず、特に言語が心配だと言ってるよ。My obsession is France (7 times now) and I’d live there forever in a heartbeat. Currently trying to convince my husband to go to Japan, though (I’ve been once before) but he’s not well traveled and I think he finds it daunting, especially with language.
I’ve heard of Japanese Culture Obsession, but Japanese Travel Obsession is in another tax bracket from mine lol
Lots of addicts go broke because of their addictions, you could too!
一方でヨーロッパやアメリカは格安どころじゃありません。All depends where you're from. For me Japan is same as Thailand in terms of flight time and cost. Cheap vacation. Europe or US on the other hand is anything but cheap.
The best part about your second trip to Japan is you get to skip the crowded tourist areas. By your fourth trip, you're really exploring some fun places. Japan is lovely.
私たちの最初の旅行は主に東京でしたが、率直に言って少し圧倒されちゃったね。I go to Japan for the outdoors activities now. We will be hiking the Kumano Koda, and the cycling around lake Biwa next month. The cities are cool, but we get out to the beautiful nature as fast as possible. Our first trip was mostly through Tokyo, and it was a bit overwhelming TBH.
What route are you hiking on the Kumano Kodo? If you are purely going for the views, I'd go somewhere else.
We are cherry picking the fun parts. Long walks in the woods, followed by stays in Ryokans is my idea of a good time.
I did my second trip in October, and it was lovely to see other regions. I experienced none of the over tourism, especially since I skipped Kyoto this time around. I went East, North and Central. There's so much to go back for in the next trip.
Where did you go?
Kusatsu, Sendai, Yamadera, Yamagata, Sapporo, Otaru, Nagoya, Hiked the Nakasendo Trail (Magome-juku to Tsumago-juku), Narai-juku. Fairly sure I'm forgetting some places, but it took about 3 weeks with some time in Tokyo as well.
Lived there for 3 years in the military. Been back 3 times since. Trying to find another gov job so I can live there again. Its so good.
実は日本に超短期間で飛行機で戻る夢を頻繁に見ます。Everytime I get home from Japan, i think “man it’s so nice to be home.” Then about 5 minutes later, i think “man it sucks I can’t walk to a conbini tomorrow morning.” Then I fall asleep and have a dream I fly back to Japan for like 2 days only. I actually get frequent dreams about flying back to Japan for an incredibly short trip.
For me it’s Ireland. And to a lesser extent UK. Easy enough to hit both in one go.
これらの目的地に簡単に旅行できるのは素晴らしいことですが、同時にヨーロッパにも数時間で思い立ったときに旅行できたらいいなとも思います。It's a great place to visit. Japan is around four hours away so we go pretty regularly. In fact my wife has settled on Osaka in summer, and Tokyo in winter. But like all major tourist cities, the price is what you make of it. Her sister appears to go like four or five times per year. Perfectly fine with red eye LCC and budget accommodations. They seem to enjoy both shopping and the onasens. We also like going to Seoul, which has the same vibes but more modern. Travel to China to visit places like Shanghai are also great. It is great being able to travel to these destinations easily, but at the same time, I also wish I could travel to Europe at a whim too in the matter of hours too.
今年は後半にまた行きたいと思っていますが、秋のフライトチケットは高価です(笑)How do you find cheap flights tickets lol I want to go back later this year but flight tickets are pricey in the fall lol
Zip air is extremely affordable if you go at the right time.
日本には2回行ったことがあり、また行くのを楽しみにしています。私たちは同じ依存症を抱えているのではないかと思います...Before I went to Japan for the first time, I had that idea that everything in Japan is perfect, everything works how it's supposed to, all places are clean, people respect each other and the society... After going there, I saw all of that is true. I've been 2 times to Japan, and look forward to going again. I suspect we share the same addiction...
My sixth time is next year in May!
My addiction is Thailand. The food, culture, people and variation of climates is just so magnetic. The wife and I haven’t been since we had a kid, seven years ago, but I want so desperately want to return.
毎日恋しくなっています。Once I sat on the Yamanote line for like, two hours really late at night and just watched the city go back and forth. I have never felt such peace. I miss it daily.
家族のように恋しいです。This is how I feel about Florence, Italy. I miss it like a family member.
Idk what I did wrong but I just did not fall in love with Japan
Haven't visited the place, but definitely adding it to the bucket list ✌️👍🫣😍💯❣️
Spain for me. Three times in two years and I'm looking at number four. I just felt home.
My mom is basically only willing to travel to Japan. It takes about two hours to get to Kyushu, and she's been there over a dozen times by now.