







  • ただ仲間の安らかな時間を確保したかっただけだと思う。

    To me it was just to give his friends a lifetime of peace.

    Translated By 佐々木 大和

  • 島を、エルディアを救うこと。だけど、それ以上だ。


    To save the island, to save eldia but it’s more than that. When i learnt humanity lived outside the walls, i was so disappointed.

    Translated By 佐々木 大和

  • 仲間を守りたかった。


    He wanted to protect his friends. Also he was disappointed in the world and wanted to destroy it.

    Translated By 佐々木 大和

  • 最後の目的はミカサに首を切られ、舌を絡めてキスすること。

    His end goal was for Mikasa to cut his head off and perform tongue hockey on him

    Translated By 佐々木 大和

  • エレンが成し遂げだったことは『自由』


    Freedom. The rumbling was just a facade, in reality he was still a child that waned to see the world like in Armin's book.

    Translated By 佐々木 大和

  • 私の理解では、最終的な目標は平和だった。


    My understanding was his end goal was peace. He knew that the only way everyone from the island could live with the rest of the world was to give them a common enemy. Which was Eren who was seeking world destruction.

    Translated By 佐々木 大和

  • 明白そのものでしょ。自分が悪役になって地鳴らしを起こして世界が自分に団結するよう仕向けた。


    It’s incredibly obvious, he wanted to be the villain and do the rumbling so the world would unite against him. This shouldn’t be so difficult to understand

    Translated By 佐々木 大和

  • エレンがやったことは「恒久的な世界平和を作る唯一の方法」と言われている。彼は誰かの悪役になり、みんなが団結して彼を止めようとする。


    ALLEDGEDLY the only way to create a lasting world peace. He became everyone's villain and everyone united to stop him. The "80% of the world" thing was pretty stupid, they could've gone with a lower number.

    Translated By 佐々木 大和

  • この回答は、物語の時点による。






    It depends on the point in the story. At first his goal was to destroy the outside world because he was disappointed in it and he wanted to protect his friends, however he still would have chosen to destroy the world even if he wasn’t doing it to save them. After Eren gains the full power of the founder and the rumbling begins, he sees that his friends will defeat him and so his goal changes. He decides to make sure that the small bit of humanity remaining sees his friends as heroes so that they will be safe once the rumbling ends. This is why he lets his friends keep their Titians, and why he stops the rumbling during the Battle of Heaven and Earth in order to fight Armin as a Colossal Titan. Eren was trying to make it as clear as possible that it was his friends who saved the world because he didn’t know if the 5th of humanity that survived would still oppress them for what he did.

    Translated By 佐々木 大和

  • 正直、ヒストリアの手をキスした瞬間から、将来仲間が自分を殺して英雄になることを知っていたと思う。





    Tbh, I think he was aware of his friends becoming heros by killing him in the future from the moment he kissed Historian’s hand. Therefore, I think that his main motivation was to protect his friends from the beginning. Did he also wanted it deep in his heart? Yes, but he would never acted this way if he truly had a choice that would save everyone. I think that it is truly the idea is that the human nature pushed him to do so by leaving him no choice.

    Translated By 佐々木 大和

  • @Affectionate-Wave6





    I respectfully disagree. In the finale Armin straight up asks him “so this was all for us?” And Eren responds “no, I wanted to see this sight.” Protecting his friends was a factor but the real reason he destroyed the world was simply because he wanted to. He also DID have a choice that would save everyone, he could’ve gone with their original plan of only attacking the allied forces that threatened them to scare the world out of attacking. Or at the very least he could’ve only attacked Marley, the main country that threatens Paradis. Eren chose to destroy everything.

    Translated By 佐々木 大和

  • @Exylatron


    Hmm. It’s interesting to think about Eren’s psychology when he said that. Because, all other factors say that he had no choice, while Eren disagrees. Maybe there have been some unconscious thoughts in place. Maybe he doesn’t want to believe that he didn’t really had freedom in this decision.

    Translated By 佐々木 大和

  • @Affectionate-Wave6



    That I definitely agree with. In the scene with Reiner before Marley declares war, he says “I’m the same as you” once he gets Reiner to admit that he only broke the wall because he wanted to be a hero, and not because he thought he was saving the world. Eren is using the fact that he’s protecting his friends and his country as an excuse to do terrible things. Deep down he wants to fight and destroy the outside world, he’s lying to everyone including himself about why though.

    Translated By 佐々木 大和

  • @Affectionate-Wave6





    As an African American who had grown up around plenty of others who have had moments where they threw all reason to the wind and said "fuck it, burn this whole shit to the ground", I can understand why Eren would still go through with it. Now do I think it's the same? Hell nah lol but to have the power to seek the ultimate retribution and not use it because of moral expectations? Being of a subjected peoples can vastly warp the perspective of people, so it's a given that after he became aware of what Eldians were put through, and were likely to be put through even had he not done the rumbling, that he would attempt to make something of his circumstances. I'm in no way defending it and there are other factors that make the whole ordeal more of a shit show but I could absolutely see how he could edge out the options he potentially had when accounting for 'yeah I'm still gonna stomp on em all lmao'.

    Translated By 佐々木 大和

  • 彼は目的をたくさん持っていて、1つだけではない。

    - 自分の好きなように行動した(本人も言っている通り)

    - 仲間を守りたかった(明らか)

    - 世界の巨人の力を消したかった(1stシーズンからの根源的な目標)

    - パラディ島を守りたかった

    He had many, not just one. -He did what he did because he wanted it (he said it himself) -Because he wanted to protect his friends (it's pretty obvious) -Because he wanted to erase the titans power from the world (this was his primal goal since 1st season) -Because he wanted to protect Paradis

    Translated By 佐々木 大和

  • このスレでたくさんコメントが出ているように...エレンには一つの目的だけではないんですよ。


    As many have commented here...it is not one single goal. He had multiple goals. The AOT world is too complex and Eren is to complex to try to simplify things into one goal.

    Translated By 佐々木 大和

  • エレンは野生の、未開の世界を冒険したかったんだ。でも、現実は世界中に人間がいて、エルディア人を追い出そうとしていたんだ。

    He wanted to explore a wild and unexplored world. The reality was people were everywhere and they wanted his friends gone,

    Translated By 佐々木 大和

  • エレンの最終目的は、ユミルだけが知っている。

    Only Ymir knows

    Translated By 佐々木 大和

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