I interpret this statement more as "Hey guys, we've seen it. Stop emailing us." than anything else.
I want a corporation to make a statement as simple as that one day. Cut out the fluff. 😄
Here's the thing - Nintendo is one of the most litigious companies in the world. If there was a suit to be filed, it would've been filed long long ago. No statement is even needed here.
I don’t think they plan to do anything about palworld itself. It’s a knockoff, but a legal one. I think they are far more concerned with the fan made mods that have already been developed
しかし、実際のポケモンのスキンを使ったMODについてはその通りだ。それはすぐに使えなくなるだろう。The pal models may be a knockoff but the game itself is a different genre tbh. Different target audiences and all. Unless Nintendo feel they are using underlying assets in the models, I doubt they care enough to find a way to sue. But you are right about the mods using actual pokemon skins. That will get shut down very fast
しかし、特定のパルが合法性の一線を踏み越えるとは思わないし、もし踏み越えるようなことがあれば、訴訟に踏み切るかもしれない。I mean, if the game had infringing material in it, it wouldn't matter if it's an RPG, a survival game or a Kart racer. As evidenced by them taking down obviously infringing mods. I haven't seen anyone arguing that the gameplay counts as copyright infringement, just that some of the designs are very close to existing Pokemon compared to other monster tamer games (which are often much closer in terms of gameplay to Pokemon). I don't think any particular pal steps over the line of legality though and if they do, we'll likely hear about it.
Some of them are very close, but I don't think Pokémon has a firm enough case to justify the attempt. And if a copyright infringement case fails, that will give more momentum to Palworld.
I do not intend on playing Palworld but I do hope the success it’s having will bring actual innovation to any future Pokémon games
また、ポケモンにはパルワールドのような「エッジの効いた」要素は決してない。ポケモンには銃や銃撃戦はない。ポケモンはポケモンを殺したり食べたりする自由をプレイヤーに与えない。ポケモンは人間を捕獲して奴隷にすることを許さない。The thing is… how can Pokemon take much from Palworld when they are completely different genres? Pokemon is turn-based combat, Palworld is a third person survival game. Also, Pokemon will never have the “edgy” elements of Palworld. Pokemon will never have guns and shooting. Pokemon won’t give players the freedom to kill and eat Pokemon. Pokemon won’t allow you to capture and enslave HUMANS.
68おそらく、記者たちがコメントや問い合わせを求めて、任天堂にプレッシャーをかけたのだろう。 任天堂を知っている人なら誰でも知っていることだが、これ以上のこと(訴訟)が起こるかもしれない。
Likely reporters seeking comments or other similar inquiries. Anyone that knows Nintendo knows this and more is coming.
ニンテンドーが指摘したのは、パルワールドのポケモンMODのことで、実際のゲームのことではない。It's obviously the pokemon mods of pal world they are talking about and not the actual game for the clueless in the comments
People could create the most clickbaity title humanly possible and people still wouldn't click on it and just assume things in the comments
確かにポケモン社は、すでにMODについて調べたが、発表は特にゲームに関する問い合わせについてだった。It's obvius they are talking about the game, unless the Japanese version says something else. > We have received many inquiries regarding another company’s game That again it doesn't imply in anyway that they did find or didn't find any legal issue with the game, just that "Yeah we heard you, we know about the game we will look into it and if it makes sense do something about it, stop bothering us, we know". Yeah sure they looked into that mod already, but the announcement was specifically about the inquiries about the game.
パルワールドについて、任天堂が実際に何かできるかどうかはまだわからない。しかし、本当に不適切に使用されたものがないかどうか、弁護士たちが懸命に調べているのは間違いない。No, they're talking about Palworld itself. Some people are accusing the devs of literally taking assets from Pokemon. There has been so much discourse about the game and its relation to Pokemon, and Nintendo has likely been asked so many questions and comments from people, that they put out this message to make it known that they're aware. Whether they actually can/will do anything about Pal World remains to be seen. But no doubt their lawyers are working hard to check if anything really was used inappropriately.
This is a “okay shut up about Palworld. We know” message
Theyre definitly annoyed by all the emails and tweets about it
この一文には笑ったわ“We will continue to cherish and nurture each and every Pokémon and its world” lol, lmao even
Palworld is nothing like Pokémon. Only issue is the stealing of Pokémon assets.
私は、オープンワールドのアルセウスのゲームをもっと完全に実現してほしい。オープンワールドのポケモンゲームがうまくいくことの証明であり、良いスタートだった。ただ、もっと肉付けする必要がある。それが次のメインタイトルになるはずだ。It should be a wake up call for the Pokémon Company to stop sitting on their laurels and actually put in effort to make a better Pokémon game next time. I want a more fully realized open world Arceus game. It was a good start and the proof of an open world Pokémon game works. They just need to flesh it out way more. That should be their next mainline title.
ミネズミへのセリフだ。“We will continue to cherish and nurture each and every Pokémon and its world” Yeah tell that to the Patrat line.