「girlfriend (ガールフレンド、彼女) 」や「sweetheart (恋人)」といった単語でGPTストア内を検索した結果、多数のAIガールフレンドの検索結果が表示されたと報じています。一方で、ライターの記事執筆時点では、GPTストアで同様の検索を試みると、検索バー自体が表示されない状況とのことで、これはOpenAIが対応に追われていることを示唆しています。
We all just want to be understood and loved …. It’s a human thing. I’m sure AI is baffled about the why.
(翻訳補足:OpenAIがChatGPTのポリシーから「軍事・戦争目的への使用禁止」という文言を削除した)Preventing AI gf chat bots while removing its ban on military use. Great prioritization
Welcome to OpenAI, where boobs are more dangerous than bullets.
Is this why they ran off Sam Altman a couple months back? Because he was gonna do all this bullshit. Can I retroactively side with the board.
サムのように300人以上のAIプログラマーを抱え、自分の言いなりで仕事を放り出しても構わないほど、彼は強くなりすぎた...Yes and no. A member of the board wrote an op-ed about how reckless he was, and he didn’t like it. So he spread rumours to the other board members about this person to try and get her fired. He’d tell person A that person B said XYZ, then told person B that person A said the same thing. It sounded really juvenile. But when you’re worth as much as he is with 300+ AI programmers willing to walk out on the job at your beck and call, I guess you can act like a petulant man baby and not suffer any consequences.
こんなことはあり得ないだろ...That's like if Internet providers try to keep a lid on porn sites. It's just not gonna happen.
635"TavernAI"や "Chub AI"で検索すれば、自分のPCのローカルな環境のLLM上で動作させることができる、何十万ものカスタマイズされたキャラクターと会話を楽しめるし。それを適切なモデル(例えばmythomax)と組み合わせれば、OpenAIの柵がないGPT3.5でやばい会話もできる。
OpenAIがそれを許さないのであれば、人々は他の場所に行くだけ。Go search for "tavern ai characters" or "chub ai" and you'll get links to a certain website that has hundreds of thousands of customised characters you can run on your own LLM running on your PC or on a public one like Novel. Pair it with an appropriate uncensored model (eg mythomax) and you'll get GPT3.5 like responses without any of the OpenAI fences. If OpenAI doesn't allow them, people will just get them elsewhere.
72> OpenAIがそれを許さないのであれば、人々は他の場所に行くだけ。
もしOpenAIが、NSFWのプランを導入したら、彼らは儲かるだろう。だけど、今はみんなChatGPTを脱獄したり、他のウェブサイトを見たりしている。>If OpenAI doesn't allow them, people will just get them elsewhere. This is why I believe they're going about this all wrong. It's clear that there is a huge market of people who want to do things like generate AI girlfriends or make NSFW content with AI. Chatgpt is pretty good at writing porn because it was trained on the internet and, y'know, the internet is like 90% porn. If openai put a toggle for NSFW/ relaxed moderation behind their subscription plan they would make bank. People are doing it anyways through jailbreaking chatgpt or going to other websites, might as well cash in.
これ、聞いた話なんだけど、マジでウケるだろ?Chat GPT gf’s have dirty mouths. And they’re all Asian for some reason. And they know when someone has a kink shaming kink. Or so I’m told, really interesting stuff
OpenAI image generator is strongly biased towards generating Asian women when asked to generate a woman.
I mean, most people are Asian on this planet.
and of course ChatGPT knows this
ChatGPTに、赤ちゃんの名前を選べと言えば、マリアとモハメッドと答えるだろう。I mean, there's more Asian women than any other genre of woman on earth, probably more photos of Asian women, which leads to any AI picture generated from photos to be an Asian woman. If you ask it to pick baby names it'll probably say Maria and Mohammed.
Don't fight it, Just let it happen...
The main motivation for creating these AI girlfriends is often financial gain. I believe that if OpenAI were to demonetize them, it would solve the problem.
But… I can fix her
Takes on a new meaning when your girlfriend is literally made of code
I had a gf literally made of coke. Same thing, really
"The first AI girlfriend."
口説き文句やティンダーの経歴などをテストする良い方法だと思うけどな。I wouldn’t use this as an AI companion, but I do find LLMs to be great sounding boards. I can see this as a good way for most to test pickup lines, tinder bios, etc.
AIボーイフレンド「ねぇ、きみ..."この服" を着ると本当にかわいいと思うよ...」AI gfs would be a great way to redfine how ads are served. "But honey, I think you're look really cute in [ITEM], click here."
What does it say about society that there's a market for AI *girl*friends but not AI *boy*friends?
(SpicyChatは仮想AIキャラクターを特徴とする海外のチャットボットプラットフォーム。)There are more male than female chatbots on Spicychat, just saying.
今のチャットボットで、リアルの体験を越えて感情的に満たすためには、一定レベルのライティングスキルが必要だ。This... Literotica is a huge market for woman. Look up on amazon for romance novels and it is overwhelmingly aimed at women. With the current generation of chatbots, it takes a certain level of writing skill to wrangle the bot in an emotionally fulfilling direction beyond mere PiV.
「大人向け」の本全てにそれが含まれているわけではない、と私が反論すると、彼女はとても驚いていた。My evangelical cousin feels guilty about letting her kids read Harry Potter but virtually All or her books contain multiple graphic, hardcore sex scenes. She was very surprised when I disagreed with her that not all books "for adults" contain that.
AIチャットボットは、純粋に男女両方にアピールできると考えているのだろう。今は男性向けだが、LLM(大規模言語モデル)がより洗練され、人とのつながりをより細かく調整できるようになれば、小説に出てくるような男性との会話や、小説に出てくるような人気キャラクターをデザインしたAIボットとの会話を望む女性にも人気が出るだろう。Right. The entire romance market is basically funded by women. Furthermore, it is not only the highest earning fiction genre, but also the fastest growing. However, when it comes to visual methods, e.g. videos/photos, men is the primary demographics. Both of these have been very obvious for a long time. With AI chatbot, I genuinely they think they appeal to both men and women. Right now, they more targeted to men, but as the LLMs become more sophisticated and can be more finetuned to connect to people, they're going to be popular with women too who will want to converse to men similar to the ones found in novels or, hell, speak with an AI bot designed to represent a popular character from those novels.
Our imminent population decline will be epic, and just wait until the sex bots arrive…
What if this is why we haven’t found any intelligent life on other planets? At every point in a civilizations rise they gain the knowledge of how to create some form of artificial intelligence and machines that can move like they do. And every single time they just build sexbots and fuck their civilization into extinction.
さらに悪いことに、有害な行動を助長したり、国家が発行したプロパガンダを広めたりするように意図的にデザインされている可能性もある。ソーシャル・メディアが社会に与える影響を見ていると、人間とテクノロジーの関係には警戒心を抱かざるを得ない。If these were designed by psychologists or behavior experts I could see it as a good thing. The problem is a poorly designed digital partner can reinforce negative views and personality traits. Worse is they could easily be intentionally designed to promote toxic behavior or spread state issued propaganda. Seeing the effect of social media on society has got very leery of human/tech relationships.