Redditのスレッドで「I love the trains in Japan」というタイトルの投稿が話題になっています。このスレッドでは、英国から帰国したあるユーザーが、日本と英国の公共交通機関の違いについて語っています。
The trains in japan have heated seats too
I hate that. In winter i sometimes wear thermic clothes and they become uncomfortably hot
The trains in the UK are awful and they are genuinely the worst part of going back.
スコットランドにいると、電車が来るだけでもラッキーなんだ。何度も運休になるなんてとんでもないことだ。I remember when I went back I knew I was home when the driver got on the intercom to be sarcastic to the passengers. Being in Scotland you're lucky if the train even comes at all. The amount of times the bloody thing is just cancelled outright is ridiculous.
Yeah the UK is a shithole
They’re so slow and randomly delayed all the time. I’ve been home for a week and got one more week left. I’ve really hated being on public transport, and why are trains and buses so disgustingly dirty? Why don’t we take pride in anything and feel the need to litter and destroy nice things?! I’ll never understand this mindset.
Buses are even worse, at least where I’m from. I went back for a few months this year. An 8 mile journey takes 1hr+, never turns up on time, usually 10-20 mins late, the worst time it was 45 mins late (funnily enough got talking to a bloke at the bus stop and turns out his wife is from Sapporo where I live now). Not overly dirty but there’s always a few seats with Greg’s bags and crumbs everywhere. Always some cunt talking on loud speaker. Everyone talking loudly. One time someone started singing. People scrolling through tiktok letting their annoying videos play loudly. £7.80 gets you all that, what great value. Drives me fucking insane, I absolutely hate going back there.
Going back home is like going back in the human evolution. And I don't even need a DeLorean or a telephone box.
I’m in the UK too actually, and you’re absolutely right. The point is that the UK train used to be nice but people didn’t treat them well as Japanese do with theirs
(翻訳補足:ビーチング・アックス(英語: Beeching Axe、ビーチングの斧)は、1960年代にイギリス国鉄の収支改善を目的としたイギリス政府の取り組みに対する非公式の名称である。)
日本が良い鉄道を持っているのは、質の高い公共交通に意図的に投資し、私鉄を統合的に監督しているからだ。イギリスでは、このような状況は基本的にTfL(ロンドン交通局)しか存在しない。UK rail infrastructure was already in a bad spot from the 50s, was essentially kneecapped by the Beeching Axe in the 60s, and then botched privatisation. It’s not “people not treating them well”, it’s a half century of deliberate underinvestment and mismanagement by successive governments and rail operators, which has resulted in the current mess. Japan has good railways because it’s deliberately invested in quality public transport and has good, consolidated oversight of its private railways. In the UK this situation basically only exists in London where TfL runs things.
Everything comes down to funding. Everything.
Government interventionism ? Hold your horses, communist scum !
(翻訳補足:チャブはイギリスで使われている言葉で、スポーツウェアを着た反権威的な若者についてのステレオタイプをあらわした蔑称)I saw a chav taking a piss in the rubbish bin on the train when I last went home to the uk .
僕の妻はロンドンに家があるんだ。僕たちは友人たちに会うためにここにいるんだけど、昨夜グロスター駅の近くで男がクソをしているのを見たんだ。Lol. My wife has home in London as she studied there and her father bought it to her. We are here to see some friends and saw a guy shitting near Gloucester station last night, it was wild
ここスペインでは、電車はたいてい遅れるし、予定も狂う。You know what I miss about japanese trains? Punctuality. Here in Spain they are usually late and fucks all your schedule.
Same in Germany. From 100 train rides I took 99 were late or cancelled. It's so annoying, especially because they are expensive and germans think it's a funny quirk. No, it's not fucking funny
Yeah, trains are generally great here. However, trains in Japan and trains in Tokyo are two different things. Trains in my area are not that cheap and can be late at times. However, they are clean, which is great.
Bro, from my hometown to London it’s a 1 hour journey on a normal local train and costs £60 roughly 10,000円. The prices absolutely can’t be compared as I commute over an hour to Shinjuku each day now on a single line and it’s the equivalent of £3
イギリスでは公共施設や社会福祉が優先されることはないようだ(正直なところ、フランスではすでに悪化し始めている)。I'm French and back home it's like 2.5 euros to go from one point in my city to another, even if you ride the bus, the subway and the monorail along the way. There are also some cities where public transportation is free. Public amenities and social welfare don't look like they ever were a priority in England (and to be honest, it has already started to become worse in France).
Have you all cleaned up the bed bug infestation?
Shit dude. I did Norwich to London and it was £15 or so and it took two hours. If you looked last minute it was a bit more to be fair. So, it costs me the same to go from Oita to Fukuoka as it did that UK journey.
Also, if you have to transfer a few lines to get somewhere 40 minutes away in Tokyo the prices quickly build up. Meanwhile in South Korea a ticket for anywhere in Seoul from anywhere in Seoul is about 150yen.
(翻訳補足:バートは、アメリカ合衆国・カリフォルニア州サンフランシスコで運行されている鉄道である。 正式名称はBay Area Rapid Transitで、「BART」は頭字語である。)Yup. Came back to San Francisco to visit family and took BART from the airport and back. Some junkie sniffing drugs off his skateboard, piss smell in the stations, dirty, torn seats, people begging for money, idiots playing music loudly on their phones…
One thing I love about Japan is the public decorum. I absolutely despise rowdy public intoxication and general aggro and I wish those things would disappear from the West. I think that when people are around others they should be modest, humble and accommodating and, while Japan certainly is not perfect, it is significantly better than the UK when it comes to public safety and standards of behaviour.
乱暴なボーガンとかはいないけど、"公共のマナー "は言い過ぎだ。
(翻訳補足:Bogan ボーガンはオーストラリアのスラングであり、洗練されていない、イケてないというような侮辱する言葉)My mans you haven’t walk around Shinjuku at night. I’ve seen people more drunk in public there than anywhere else. I saw a girl drag her man into a taxi cab, like actually drag him on the floor. Seen dudes trip over their own shoes and faceplant. Someone vomiting on the side walk. People taking naps. Drunk dudes taking a piss on the street. Like yeah there’s no rowdy bogans or anything like that but “public decorum” is a stretch.
へえ。まあ、間抜けな発言だ。So what you're saying is Shinjuku is bad, so public decorum is not better in Japan than in other countries? Huh. Well, that's a dumb statement.
I get what you are saying but I would contend that there are more areas with Shinjuku-level bad public decorum in the UK and US than there are in Japan (per capita, if you know what I mean!), and that Japan has less incidence of violent behaviour, verbal abuse and public drug use than Western countries like the US and UK. I do understand what you are saying but I think there are not many places in Japan where you'd actually feel genuinely unsafe, as compared to the US and UK, where there are areas where, at night, you would find yourself at significant risk of being robbed.
フィラデルフィアを初めて訪れた時、それがどれほど非人道的なくそったれな場所なのか信じられなかった。なぜそうなってしまったのか、なぜ選ばれた代表は何も行動を起こさないのか。I can't understand that people consider their country as being part of the "first world" while there are so many places where they wouldn't dare to go. The first time I saw Philadelphia, I couldn't believe how much of an inhuman shit hole it was. How the hell did that happen and why aren't the elected representatives doing anything ?
Because the people in power frequently take “political donations” in favor of monied interests that actively destroy communities and the environment only ever occasionally taking any form of action once a considerable amount of damage has been done and public outcry is at a peak with the intention to quell rather than improve. The corrupt definitely seem to outnumber the altruists. Not to say more people of high moral fiber won’t shift the political sphere in the US, but it sure as heck seems unlikely at the moment.
Idk I miss the subways in NYC.. never too crowded, never on time, smell like piss, people having conversations on speaker phone for whatever reason, people doing gymnastics routines on the handrails for change, occasionally a homeless person stabs a stranger for no apparent reason.. never a dull moment.
I had someone doing that ( the gymnastics if a sort- pull ups) when returning from Chiba one time.
Me too, but they were a high schooler trying to impress their friends and someone yelled at them to cut it out.