











  • 家に思い切って帰ってみたら良いと思います。ボランティアをして、誰かの助けになるかもしれないし。


    I'd go home and bite the bullet. You maybe be able to help someone. Don't think the holiday will be fun all the while worrying. Take a worry free holiday later and best wishes sent from up North.

    Translated By 佐々木 大和

  • どうか東京に行って、友人を楽しんできてほしい。今の人生で最高のことに集中して。また帰ってきて、家のことを話してね🤗🤗

    Please go to Tokyo and enjoy your friends. Focus on the best things of your life right now. Come back and address the house 🤗🤗

    Translated By 佐々木 大和

  • ありがとう。今、家のためにできることで、帰ってきたときより良くなることはたぶん何もないよ😅

    Thank you. There's probably nothing I can do for my house now that would make it any better than when I get back 😅

    Translated By 佐々木 大和

  • 石川県から離れた方が安全だと感じるなら、石川県には近づかないことだ。安全第一だ!

    If you feel safer further away from Ishikawa then stay away from there. Safety first!

    Translated By 佐々木 大和

  • ボランティアについてのコメントは無視していい。もちろん、それも選択肢の一つだが、あなたの投稿の趣旨とは違っていた。持ち家を所有している私なら、近くに家族もいるので戻るだろう。もし私が賃貸で一人だったら、このまま東京に行くだろう。お気をつけて!もし

    Ignore the comments about volunteering. Of course that’s an option but it was not what your post was about. As a home owner I’d go back as we also have family nearby. If I were renting and on my own I’d continue on to Tokyo. Take care and stay safe!! If

    Translated By 佐々木 大和

  • ありがとう。ボランティアに参加したいのはやまやまなんだけど、20時間も新幹線の中に閉じ込められて、家に戻れる保証もないんだ。ほとんどの友人たちは休暇で母国に帰ってしまったが、石川県に残っている1人か2人は、無事で安全な場所にいることを定期的に報告してくれている。東京が最適だ!

    Thank you. I would love to volunteer but after being stuck in a hot box for 20 hours and no guarantee that I'd even make it back to my house, maybe it'd cause more trouble than good. Most of my friends went back to their home countries for the holidays and the one or two who are still in Ishikawa are giving regular updates that they're okay and in a safe place. Tokyo it is!

    Translated By 佐々木 大和

  • @d4zaifu


    Try to enjoy your holiday and it’s good you have a couple friends in Ishikawa who can update you!

    Translated By 佐々木 大和

  • 電車で立ち往生していると聞いて残念だ。水、食事、トイレに問題はなかったか?



    Sorry to hear you're stuck on the train. Any issues with water, food, or toilets? I don't think I could go on vacation if worrying about my place or at least not knowing the situation. Hopefully all is good and you can resume the trip.

    Translated By 佐々木 大和

  • 定期的な停電はあったが、大部分はすべて問題なく動いているし、カロリミットも無限に供給されているようだ。私の家は少なくとも立っているようなので、完全に暗闇の中というわけではないが、どれだけ買い替えなければならないのか分からないのが心配だ😅。

    There have been regular power outages, but for the most part, everything is working fine, and they seem to have an unending supply of Caloriemate. My house at least seems to be standing, so I'm not completely in the dark, but it's worrying not knowing how much I'm going to have to replace 😅

    Translated By 佐々木 大和

  • 安全面を考慮すると、東京に行くのが最善の選択だろう。数日中にまた同じ地域で大きな地震が起きる可能性がある。石川県の皆さんとお知り合いに幸あれ。

    For safety reasons, going to Tokyo is probably the best choice. There's still potential for another large earthquake to hit the same area sometime in the next few days. Best wishes to you and those you know in Ishikawa.

    Translated By 佐々木 大和

  • 君や電車に乗っているみんなが無事に夜を越せたことを祈っているよ!無事に家に帰れることを祈っている

    hope you and everyone else on your train got through the night okay! fingers crossed you can get home safely

    Translated By 佐々木 大和

  • ありがとう!君も元気だといいね!富山は本当に打撃を受けた...。

    Thank you! I hope you're doing well too! Toyama took some real hits...

    Translated By 佐々木 大和

  • @d4zaifu


    I’m out of the prefecture for the holidays, but thanks for thinking of Toyama as well. Just worriedly watching the news and the state of the trains…

    Translated By 佐々木 大和

  • @theworthwhilefight


    They're sending test trains down the area between Toyama and Nagano now, apparently, so hopefully we'll know soon! Get home safe!

    Translated By 佐々木 大和

  • 他の人も言っているように、私なら東京に居座り続けるだろう。



    As others have said, I would just keep going to Tokyo. If your house is badly damaged, going back may leave you stranded with no place to stay or get someplace better. Also after shocks are highly likely making that area just dangerous to be around in general. I understand not knowing is very stressful, but I think it is better to consider it an ongoing situation and until the aftershocks have mostly subsided and trains and cars can get in and out to something resembling normal capacity, it will be dangerous to be there and nearly impossible to even fix or replace anything that is broken.

    Translated By 佐々木 大和

  • まずは、この困難な状況にハグを送っている。




    First of all, sending hugs in this difficult situation. Whether to go to Tokyo or back to Ishikawa - I’d stay in Tokyo for these few days not because of travelling/holidays but simply because going back to where you live in Ishikawa might be problematic right now due to power outages, broken roads, cancelled traffic etc etc. it might be better to wait a few days for the situation to improve and then go back easier. I know the wish to know what happened to your home is killing you, but if stuff has been broken or damaged, it has been broken or damaged and there is no going back. You will eventually come back and figure it out. I hope you, your family/friends, and your house are safe.

    Translated By 佐々木 大和

  • 本当にありがとう。



    Thank you so much. That's definitely true. The place I live itself isn't hugely rural, but there's a lot of coast and hard hit areas between that. I think I'll go back a bit earlier than planned so I can sort out my own house before my friends get back and then at least none of us are alone during this 🥹

    Translated By 佐々木 大和

  • @d4zaifu



    I have a friend in a similar situation. Went to Wakayama to visit his wife’s folks. They are now staying longer than expected. He owns a place so he was able to contact his neighbors and they said all is fine outside. (Obviously, no one knows what is going on in.) Guess I would go to Tokyo.

    Translated By 佐々木 大和

  • @Myselfamwar


    I'm glad your friend seems to be doing okay! Hopefully as long as the outside of the building is okay, that means the inside is salvageable.

    Translated By 佐々木 大和

  • 2011年、妻と私は東京を離れなければならなくなり、友人や家族に会うために数日間名古屋に行った。数日間クレイジーな雰囲気から離れることができてほっとしたが(東京は北の方に比べれば比較的クレイジーな雰囲気は少なかった)、新鮮な気持ちで戻ってきた。新年をポジティブにスタートさせるために、この休暇を利用して、これからの大変な時期に備えて充電しておこう。

    In 2011 my wife and I had to get out of Tokyo and went to Nagoya for a few days to see friends and family. It was a relief to get away from the craziness for a few days (and I know Tokyo was relatively much less crazy than further north), but we returned with fresh heads. Take the time away to kick the new year off with some kind of positivity, and charge your batteries for what will be a pretty tough time ahead.

    Translated By 佐々木 大和

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