






redditのスレッド「Johnni Somali ordered to pay $1300 fine, no further consequences(ジョニー・ソマリ1300ドルの罰金、それ以上の影響なし)」より海外の反応を紹介します。



  • 彼が引き起こしたすべてのトラブルに対して1300ドルなんて安いものだ。もっと厳しい量刑があればいいのだが。😡

    $1300 is peanuts for all the trouble he has caused. I wish there was a harsher sentence. 😡

    Translated By 佐々木 大和

  • これだけ多くの人々がソマリを憎んでいるようなのに、怒り狂った暴徒が彼を叩きのめすのを提唱していないのが不思議なくらいだ。

    With so many people that hate him and with 0 fux given, I'm surprised people aren't advocating burning him alive in a rage-fueled mob.

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  • 彼は数ヶ月間刑務所で刑期を待っている。彼はとんでもない迷惑をかけたが、実際にやったことは大勢の人をイライラさせただけなので、罰は罪に比例しなければならないのだろう。


    He's spent a few months in jail awaiting the sentence. He was a huge-ass pain in the ass, but all he actually did was irritating a bunch of people, so I guess the punishment has to be proportional to the crime. Honestly, for all the bitching people do over the jp justice system, 99% of the time it's pretty lenient and leans towards giving people a chance not to be a fuckup(it's just that the potential consequences are scary)

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  • 彼を追放し、バンせよ!

    Boot him and ban him.

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  • 彼は10月にビザ免除の期限が切れ、それ以来「不法」に入国している。 当初は自主的な退去強制令書が出され、持ち物を整理して移動手段を手配する時間が与えられると思っていたが、彼を迎えに行った友人は彼に会っていないし、連絡も取れていない。 しかし、どちらの選択肢にも数年間の入国禁止が伴う。

    All indications are he's still being detained, his visa waiver expired in October and he's been in the country "illegally" since. Originally we thought he'd be given a voluntary deportation order which would have turned him loose and given him some time to collect his belongings and arrange transportation but his friend who went to pick him up hasn't seen him or been able to contact him so the most likely case is they skipped the voluntary order and went straight to immigration detention till he can arrange a flight out. Both options however come with an entry ban for multiple years.

    Translated By 佐々木 大和

  • 日本はすでに外国人嫌いで、くしゃみをしただけで追い出すような国だ。信じてくれ、これは彼らの丁寧な言い方で、「君は国外退去だが、人を殺したわけじゃないから、出て行けと法律用語で丁寧に言っておくよ」ということなんだ。彼らは外人を追い出す方法を知っている。

    Oh lol Japan is already xenophobic enough to kick him out if he sneezed the wrong way anyways. Trust me, this is their polite way of saying "you're deported but you didn't murder people so I'll tell you politely in legal language to get the fuck off". They know how to kick gaijins out.

    Translated By 佐々木 大和

  • しかし、強制送還されるのか?それとも自由に街を歩き回れるのか?彼は2ヶ月間刑務所にいたようだ。楽しかったとは思えないが、、

    But deported, yes? Or he is free to run about the streets? I guess he has been in jail for 2 months. I doubt it was fun.

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  • 彼は4ヶ月間刑務所にいたと思う。

    Think he was in jail for 4 months

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  • @Oriachim


    Even better. I hope he learned something.

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  • @cynicalmaru



    He’ll just leverage it with a slew of clickbait surprised face thumbnails talking about how he went to jail. Not like his viewers will suddenly go “wow this guy is a piece of shit” if they’ve been supporting him all along.

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  • @KazahanaPikachu


    Of course I wanna see what he comes up with but don’t want to give him views. I hope someone downloads his shit and put La it somewhere where views do not benefit him.

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  • @cynicalmaru


    法廷での弁護士の弁明は、文字通りこうだった:「ソマリはレストラン内で撮影していたことは否定しないが、スピーカーから大音量の音楽が流れていたのは、視聴者が彼のライブ配信に反応した結果である。ソマリが意図的に音楽を流していたわけではない "というものだった。



    The only thing this guy learned was that he can get away with this shit for a tiny fine. His lawyer’s defense in court, literally, was: “My client doesn’t deny that he was filming inside the restaurant, but the loud music coming from his speaker was a result of his viewers reacting to his stream. My client was not intentionally playing the music himself.” Zero contrition. No acceptance of responsibility whatsoever. Just pure BS. I’m sure he’s loving all the notoriety he’s gained over the past 6 months.

    Translated By 佐々木 大和

  • @eightandahalf


    What do you want “life sentence” for being annoying? You personally cited the offense “loud music from speaker” 4 months in jail is not enough punishment? What crimes the dude committed to deserve more punishment under the Japanese criminal law? Please tell me what crime that deserves more punishment he committed, and don’t give the usual they should make example of him with more severe sentences, fyi judges can’t invent sentences they need to follow what is written in the law.

    Translated By 佐々木 大和

  • 国外退去はこのようなことで裁判所が命じることのできる刑罰ではないが、彼は観光ビザで入国しており、その期限は切れているため、出国命令(すぐに出国しなければ国外退去になる可能性がある)の対象となる。また、今後入国する際には「犯罪で有罪判決を受けたことがある」という欄にチェックを入れなければならず、少なくとも数年間は事実上の入国禁止となる可能性がある。

    Deportation isn’t a punishment a court can order for something like this - but he was on a tourist visa which will now have expired, so he’ll be subject to a departure order (which could become deportation if he doesn’t leave immediately). He’ll also have to tick the “have you been convicted of a crime” box on future entries to the country, which may as well be a de facto ban, at least for a few years.

    Translated By 佐々木 大和

  • @olemas_tour_guide



    And my assumption is he will be flagged in immigration security software regarding re-entry. TBH that penalty seems too low. Had it been quite large, it might deter others.

    Translated By 佐々木 大和

  • @pomegranate444

    4ヶ月の禁固刑は、迷惑行為に対する罰としては十分だ。彼はすでに "事実上 "強制送還されており、観光ビザは失効し、入国管理局は更新しない。


    4 months in prison has been enough punishment for being annoying, what do what life sentence? He is already deported “de facto” he’s tourist visa is expired and immigration will not renew it, he has to pay 200k. Did he committed any crime under the criminal law in japan that deserves more punishment? You know judges they cannot invent punishment from nowhere has to be stipulated in the law what crime = what punishment.

    Translated By 佐々木 大和

  • @Kubocho


    Yeah this thread is crazy, 4 months jail + 200k fine + black mark on passport is a firm and suitable punishment for what he did. Annoying asshole but not a murderer

    Translated By 佐々木 大和

  • 願わくば、二度と入国できないことを祈る

    Hopefully never allowed back in

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  • 彼は9月から刑務所にいる。

    He's been in jail since September.

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  • @tarix76




    Although its a seemingly petty fine, we need to take into account this guy technically doesn't have a job. If I was unpaid for 4 months + rent it would literally end me. Would be something like 2 million yen worth of cost damage +130,000 if he was working and that is not even including other factors like relocation of property which is bound to happen because landlords can throw you out. I think fines are cheap unless its something like embezzlement or fraud or burglary because of this. **If he was an actual Japanese** living here a rough estimate total of lost wages/relocation would be like something along **3M-4M** (compounding depending on how rich you are) worth of damage with this prison trip. If he makes another offence I bet they would make the jail term triple though. And damn logistics are ***scary***.

    Translated By 佐々木 大和

  • @Craft_zeppelin


    I can only assume he hopes to play off the notoriety from this and is probably going to be telling jp jail stories on his livestream...

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  • @creepy_doll



    I mean, what else can you do though? If he returns to America every law firm would be doing background checks. He made his degree worthless now. This sentence was only given because he doesn't rent any property or has posessions in Japan. Otherwise this sentence is...well ***quite*** the overkill in hindsight.

    Translated By 佐々木 大和

  • 残念なことに、彼の罪は「公共の場での迷惑行為」と不法侵入である(会社は訴えを撤回した)。下痢便の詰まったゴミ箱に沈めるのは当然だが、迷惑行為というだけで、世界のどこへ行っても重く罰せられる犯罪ではないと思う。

    Unfortunately his crimes are "being a public nuisance" and trespassing (which the company retracted the suit). As much as he deserves to be dunked into a garbage bin full of diarrhea, just being annoying is not a heavily punishable crime anywhere in the world I imagine.

    Translated By 佐々木 大和

  • 俺たちはサウジアラビアや北朝鮮に送ることもできるぞ。

    We could send him to Saudi Arabia or North Korea.

    Translated By 佐々木 大和

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